天才マジシャン・針井マキトは、2021年に東京で開催された今回限りで引退というマジックショーの最終演目中に不慮の事故に見舞われ焼死。享年17歳。そうなったはずだった。しかし生きていた。約400年前の中世ヨーロッパ「魔女狩り」全盛期に転生して!神の“奇跡”と称したインチキ“マジック”で人心を欺き、謂れなき罪を着せ“魔女”達を迫害する教会に立ち向かえ!本物の“マジック”を以て!! In 2021, Harry Makito, genius magician, was holding a one time only retirement show in Tokyo when he burned to death in an unexpected accident. He was 17 years old. Or so one would think. But he lived, finding himself reincarnated 400 years earlier in Medieval Europe during the age of the Witch Trials! Now he fights against the church which unjustly brands women as witches with his tricks disguised as miracles. It’s like real magic!