Akuyaku Reijou no Shitsuji-sama, Akuyaku Reijou no Shitsuji-sama: Ore ga Sodateta Kanojo wa Totemo Kawaii ~, The Villainess' Butler, The Villainous Daughter’s Butler ~I Raised Her to Be Very Cute~, The Villainous Daughter’s Butler: I’ll Crush the Destruction Flags, The Villainous Daughter’s Valet, The Villainous Daughter’s Valet: I Raised Her to Be Very Cute, 悪役令嬢の執事様, 悪役令嬢の執事様 破滅フラグは俺が潰させていただきます, 悪役令嬢の執事様 ~俺が育てた彼女はとても可愛い~, Akuyaku Reijou no Shitsuji-sama: Hametsu Flag wa Ore ga Tsubusasete itadakimasu
乙女ゲームの世界で、悪役令嬢ソフィアの執事に転生した俺、シリル。闇落ち→破滅ルートを回避すべくお嬢様を育てたものの、どうやら俺にほれているようで…!? しかも、ゲームヒロインの登場や一緒の学園生活も始まり、破滅フラグはまだまだ健在のご様子。 でもお嬢様の幸せのため、この最強執事が邪魔者全てぶっ潰します!! Regaining the memories of his previous life, Cyril realised that he was an otome game’s character, the villainous daughter– Sophia’s valet. At the rate things were going, Sophia would eventually have the prince stolen away from her by the heroine, fall into darkness, and be executed. Wanting to save the villainous daughter he was so fond of, Cyril moved to eliminate all the factors that would cause her to fall into darkness, raising her up to be a talented and beautiful girl who could win the prince’s love, however…